Renowned chef Kenichi Chen, who rose to fame for his appearances on the popular TV show “Ryouri no Tetsujin” (Iron Chef), passed away at the age of 67 on Saturday at a hospital in Tokyo due to interstitial pneumonia. Chen was widely known as the “Chyuka no Tetsujin,” or the “iron man of Chinese cuisine,” due to his exceptional culinary skills in Chinese cuisine.
Born in Tokyo in 1956, Chen’s birth name was Kenichi Azuma. His father, who was also a chef, introduced Sichuan cuisine to Japan, which influenced Chen’s culinary career. In addition to being a TV personality, Chen was also the chairman of the Szechwan Restaurant group, a chain of restaurants specializing in Szechuan cuisine, and he chaired The Japan Association of Chinese Cuisine from 2011, which aimed to promote and preserve traditional Chinese cuisine in Japan. Chen’s death is a significant loss to the culinary world and his fans worldwide