On Christmas Eve, ITV aired the Home Alone sequel, Lost in New York, featuring Kevin McAllister (Macaulay Culkin) finding himself separated from his family once again, this time in the bustling city of New York. The story takes an interesting turn as Kevin encounters the familiar foes, robbers Marv and Harry, now trying their luck as the city’s “sticky bandits.”
Despite the vastness of New York and the millions of people present, the plot revolves around Kevin crossing paths with the scheming duo, who are out for revenge. The movie is filled with peculiar characters, from a pigeon lady resembling Piers Morgan to a cameo appearance by Donald Trump, adding to the overall sense of terror in this second installment of Home Alone.
Notably, there’s a scene where Kevin lays traps for Marv and Harry in an abandoned house, resulting in Marv getting electrocuted, briefly revealing his skeleton. While this moment is iconic and extremely humorous, it surprisingly did not make it to the ITV broadcast.
Viewers expressed confusion and disappointment on social media, with some questioning why such a memorable and funny scene was omitted.
What the fuck, ITV? cut out the funniest scene in Home Alone 2 where Marv electrocutes himself into a skeleton? pic.twitter.com/g2JwJzHaSj
— Kaitlyn Murphy (@Katie_Murphy776) December 24, 2023
@ITV whoever massacred the editing on Home Alone 2 needs sacking, missing out scenes and dialogue just to keep the soppy snowflakes happy. Stop accommodating soft folk without senses of humor
— David Mountford (@daveo830) December 24, 2023
Despite the outcry, it seems the beloved Home Alone series continues to capture audiences worldwide, with Macaulay Culkin recently receiving a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, emphasizing the enduring appeal of these films.
I have to say this:
— Perplexing Alex 🔮 (@Little_Alt_Girl) December 26, 2023
Home Alone 2 is better than Home Alone. pic.twitter.com/NJlZi0pAJM
Source: Metro