After a successful run at the global box office with her directorial debut, ‘Barbie,’ Greta Gerwig and her longtime partner, Noah Baumbach, have taken the plunge into a new chapter of their lives – they’re now married, according to People magazine. The couple, who first crossed paths while filming ‘Greenberg’ in 2010, started their romantic journey in 2011.
This news follows a bustling year for the duo, who not only co-wrote the screenplay for ‘Barbie’ but also revealed the arrival of their second son in a July interview with Elle UK. As reported by People, the newest family member joins their firstborn, Harold Ralph Gerwig Baumbach, born in March 2019.
In a sweet revelation, Noah, 54, expressed his joy in working alongside his now-wife, telling Vogue in December, “I think the pleasure of writing for us is that it seeps into everything.” He shared the delight of watching each other’s creations, emphasizing the joy of witnessing someone you love bring something to life.
Their collaborative efforts didn’t go unnoticed in 2020 when both were nominated for Oscars in the same year. Noah received nods for Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay for ‘Marriage Story,’ while Greta earned a nomination for Best Adapted Screenplay for ‘Little Women.’
Source: Gulf News